Film Scan

Print Scan

Imacon Flextight

Fujifilm SP3000 is an industry standard, designed for fast turnaround of 35mm, 120 and APS film. With the ability to print directly to our C-Type printer as well as export digital files in either a JPG or TIFF, the Fujifilm SP3000 is often our go-to for fast high-quality scans. At a maximum output of 12x18” we’ve certainly pushed a good 35mm negative to print up to A1!

The Scanners…

Flatbed (Epson V800) is what we primarily use for print scans. The surface area is A4 but it’s possible to scan larger prints with the use of stitching software. With the ability to scan negatives up to 10x8, we use this for any large format scanning or putting together contact sheets of 35mm and 120 to be printed later.

Flextight Precision II is a high-quality film scanner that uses a virtual drum, and adaptive light source, and can scan 48-bit colour files; meaning you get the highest quality scan from almost any negative. With this scanner, we supply a flat scan in an RGB profile at the highest DPI (within reason of file size). Formats go from 35mm up to 5x4 sheet.